
Monday, November 25, 2019

Pastel art

WALT blending and shading use oil pastel media Last week we did a piece of artwork we did pastel art First we watched a video of how to do it than we choose our colours we were going to use then we had to make a small circle then colour the background in the colours we chose beforehand then we have to bend using a tissue the colours into each other after that you have to shade the moon with a light blue and white and the last piece is you have to add something with black pastel.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Market day Blog.

This form is for our market day (it is at night) the money that we make goes towards an end of year trip. If you could fill out this form it would be helpful so we know what to make.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

How NOT to get spammed.

Walt: tell the difference between fake and real emails in fishing.

Today we had cyber smart and we were told to get into partners my partner was Tawhiri (His blog is
It was about how don't to get spammed and if you are on a bad website.
We had a google slide with some questions on it some of them were easy but others weren't.
I enjoyed this while Tawhiri didn't enjoy it it took us half an hour to finish this work and to do this blog post.
Have you done anything on this topic or just like looking at other peoples work comment down below.
Have you ever fallen for the fake if you have comment down below.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Poster (Cyber Smart)

Walt Interact online safely and appropriately using the Netiquette framework

Today we had cyber smart and we did stuff on netiquette with a google slide and we had to make a poster on google drawing.

So on my I did what netiquette what to do if you get a inappropriate email or message.

I added that photo for click bait well so people read this.

This took me half an hour to make please comment or if you don't want to you don't have to.

If you have learnt what netiquette means or what etiquette means comment below.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Number Knowledge Fractions Describe Compare Equivalent Simplify

Walt: We had no walt.

Slide #6 is my work for slide #5
Slide #8 is my work for slide #7
Slide #10 is my work for slide #9
Slide #12 is my work for slide #11

This took me 5 days to finish I could have done it faster if I did some of it at home.

If you have done work on fractions or just like looking at other peoples stuff comment below

Friday, August 23, 2019

Maths Angles, Parallel Intersecting Traingle.

Walt: Define and calculate angles from Parallel and Intersecting lines.

 Slide 6 is my answers for Slide #5.

 Slide #8 is my answers for slide #7.

 Slide #10 is my answers for slide #9.

 This took me a week to finish. I could have done it faster if I tried to find more ways to do this. 

If you have done stuff on the same topic comment below.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tesselation art by Escher.

Walt: Make a Tesselation art by M.C Escher 

 1. We had to watch a few videos to understand how to do this type of art.
2. We got some card paper and cut out a shape at the bottom of the card paper then you move it to the top and tape it there same thing but on the side.
3. Get your paper and trace around it onto your paper then do what you like once you have covered the whole paper.
 4. You can colour it if you want to and go around with a permanent marker on the outline.
5. Add your finishing touches and then you are done.
If you like my art or just liking looking at peoples work comment down below. This is my favourite art I have ever done. Something I could have done was finished colouring it in.

Monday, August 12, 2019

MaTHS Angles Type Line.Point.

Walt: Angle types calculate angles on a straight line and at a point. slide 6 is my answers for slide 5. Slide 8 is my answers for slide 7 Slide 10 is my answers for slide 9 This took me a week to do could have done it faster but I was a bit lazy If you like me doing my work or you like just looking at people's blogs comment below

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The chocolate touch

WALT Create a character description and use Juicy Words to describe the Looks, Sounds, Movements and behaviour of the different characters. For the past two weeks we have been doing a piece of writing of a remake of the golden touch but instead of the golden touch it was the chocolate touch. First make your characters up. 2. Add a description to your characters like what they walk, sound, look and behave like. 3. Add your order of events. 4. Write your story in. 5. Edit it. 6. Get someone to check it 7. Upload it onto our blogs I enjoyed writing this story. I think next time I could add more characters and said who the people a the school were. If you have enjoyed reading my work or you have done a piece of work like this comment below.

King Midas animation

Walt:Read the story, King Midas and the Golden Touch and then create a slideshow animation that illustrates the story plot. Include dialogue. For the past two weeks in class we have been doing a animation of the story of King Midas and the golden touch. First we had to read the story. 2. We had to make a google slides for the animation to be on. 3. Make the animation with all the characters with the backgrounds. 4. Get someone to check it. 5. publish it onto our blogs. I think next time I do a animation I could get better characters and backgrounds. If you like my work or you have read the King Midas story comment below.

Abstract charcoal drawing

Walt:Find an artists style or an image you like and copy it. 

 Today in class we have been doing art with charcoal and we were told to find an artists style or an image you like and copy it. So I searched up charcoal abstract and found my image so I copied it then smudged the charcoal to give it a outline so it will stand out more then I added some small details and made it a bit bigger. I think next time I do charcoal abstract I could do something a bit bigger and something more interesting. If you like my work comment below and if you have done art with charcoal comment below.

Camera shots

Walt:Do camera shots and angles. Today we had cyber smart in class and today's lesson is about camera shots and different camera shots and angles we had to get at least 7 different photos for our work well 14 photos because we worked in pairs and my partner was Kingston We had 7 different photo shots and angles the first was a close, a wide shot, mid shot, over the shoulder shot, worms eye view, birds eye view and panning. We got to add two extra photos and check out them on our slides. Today was quite fun we got to go outside and take photos I liked our 2nd to last photos I think I could get better quality for the photos but the sky was grey so I could not get good lighting from my chromebook. If you enjoyed my work comment down below and what I could do better next time.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Maths Symmetry

Walt: Explain what rotation, reflection and translation means in symmetry. Slides 5 to 12 are my work. The 5th slide is how to describe shapes that have symmetry, what does the term mean? Then the next slide is my idea of what is it, this is for all of the slides all the even numbers is my answer for them. The 7th slide is how many lines of symmetry is and what is the order of symmetry. Slide 9 what is rotational symmetry. Slide 11 is how to calculate the ORDER of ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY. It took almost 1 week and I asked for help from some of my friends and in the end I enjoy looking back at my past work. If you think you could do it faster then mew comment below and say how long it might take you.

Charcoal drawing of two paint brushes

Walt:Developing Practical knowledge and ideas for our art. Today we were learning to draw like Jim Dine with his style of art and also with charcoal. First we watched videos about our to draw like Jim Dine the first video was to plat with the charcoal then we drew a charcoal mountain and then how to draw a tool and finally tips and tricks to draw like Jim Dine. Next we got something to draw then we traced the outline of tool or object of choice then we got our charcoal and went over the outline with it and then I smudged mine to get it like the photo well I added some small details.

Next time I think I could get my lines a bit straighter than this ones.
If you think I could have done something better please comment below.

Also if you think my drawing is good comment something you like about it.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Screencastify about Attributing images off the web and how not to be copyrighted

Walt: How to attribute off the internet Step 1. Find your image. Step 2. Press tools then usage rights then labeled for reuse. Step 3. Go onto the website the image is on then get the author and put it into your google doc with the url to the website. step 4. Check the license for the website. How to use explore. Step 1. go to tools on your google doc then press explore and search for your image. Step 2. insert your image. Step 3. Done What is the differences between the two. Explore is easier to use because you don't have to credit the author because it is already done. But you should make your own image.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Still life

Walt: use proportion lines to get the right length drawing

This term in class we have been doing still life drawing  while Mr pickard read us a book the first few days we would have to do a spoon or a fork and later on we could search up something that is still life.

In it fun to do even when a spoon or fork but I won't do it again this pot took me so long to do.

comment below if you like my drawing of a pot on top of a table or just want to leave something helpful.

Gabriel Moreno

Walt:Create an image in the style of Gabriel Moreno.

First our teacher (Mr Pickard) took a photo of one side of us.
Next Mr pickard had to print it out than we traced it onto another piece of paper.
3. Put in your patterns or zentangles.
4. Get a black pen and chose where you want to colour in the parts you want.

After morning tea and lunch Mr pickard would read
a book to us and we would be doing this and it took a 
while for some people to finish. Here is a photo of mine.
comment if you have done a piece of art like this
or if you just like mine.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Rugby league

Walt: Make a quality blog post about rugby league.
Last week on Wednesday we played rugby league on the school court because the field was all muddy so it was touch.

We were put into teams by Jim and Keri and I ended on the team I didn't want to be on but in the end my team won.

In this photo we were subbing off it was 7 a side and both teams had 5 subs and I started off.

In my opinion it was a good game the score was close my team almost lost if it wasn't for the morning tea bell.

Anyways the reason Jim and Keri were doing this is because Jim is training a team to take to Australia the were getting people from different schools to sign up at the rugby fields up at Kaitaia.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Screencastify practice

This is a screencastify practice

Thursday, May 9, 2019