
Monday, August 19, 2019

Tesselation art by Escher.

Walt: Make a Tesselation art by M.C Escher 

 1. We had to watch a few videos to understand how to do this type of art.
2. We got some card paper and cut out a shape at the bottom of the card paper then you move it to the top and tape it there same thing but on the side.
3. Get your paper and trace around it onto your paper then do what you like once you have covered the whole paper.
 4. You can colour it if you want to and go around with a permanent marker on the outline.
5. Add your finishing touches and then you are done.
If you like my art or just liking looking at peoples work comment down below. This is my favourite art I have ever done. Something I could have done was finished colouring it in.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Matthew, my name is Jake and I am a student in room 9 at Gisborne Intermediate School. I really like how you made tessellation art. It made me think of when I did tessellations at primary school. Next time you could add more colour and have better lighting on it. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is
